Amy Haslerud


PR/Social Intern

Is there a hobby or skill that you've always wanted to do but never tried? 

I've always wanted to know how to surf!

What fictional character do you identify with and why? 

David from Schitt's Creek. I feel like we would be great friends.

Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?

I have a dog named Finn who is a border collie!

What's your go-to comfort food?

creamy tomato basil soup

What is your favorite scene from a movie like?

In Princess Diaries 2, when Julie Andrews sings at her granddaughters birthday party. It's very fun and light-hearted!

 Where do you feel most at home? 

The little coffee shop I used to go to everyday when I was in Italy

Do you usually remember your dreams? If so, what was your last dream like, if not what do you want to dream of? 

In my last dream, my dog had puppies! I was sad to wake up and not see any puppies though.

Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.

At Last by Etta James

What Avatar the Last AirBender element would you bend, and why?

I've never seen Avatar so I have no idea :-(
