avery wageman


Music/Reviews Intern

Is there a hobby or skill that you've always wanted to do but never tried? 

I've always wanted to play electric guitar

What fictional character do you identify with and why? 

Mulder from The X-Files. He's weird and believes in aliens, and wants to believe in something bigger but doesn't know what. Also, doesn't trust the government lol.

Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?

Dog, her name is Savvy. She's a cavachon: bichon + king cavalier mix

What's your go-to comfort food?


What is your favorite scene from a movie like?

Pride & Prejudice (2005):Mr. Darcy walking to Elizabeth at sunrise in the foggy meadow to confess his love. A cinematic master piece

Where do you feel most at home? 

With my best friends

Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.

I Know the End by Phoebe Bridgers

What Avatar the Last AirBender element would you bend, and why?

Fire or water. Fire because it seems cool, or water because I like the technique of it

