Chae hong


creative director

Is there a hobby or skill that you've always wanted to do but never tried? 

resin art!!!

 What fictional character do you identify with and why? 

i was thinking really hard for this question and i think my final answer is diane nguyen from bojack horseman. initially i was thinking that i didn't want to be associated with how she is represented in the show but i realized that diane probably would be unhappy about the way she is represented in the show either soooo

Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?

i used to have guppies but they jumped out of the tank and dried to death :-(

What's your go-to comfort food?

alfredo pasta!

Where do you feel most at home? 

as of now, seattle

 Do you usually remember your dreams? If so, what was your last dream like, if not what do you want to dream of? 

i do if i think about them right away! last night i had a dream that i was petting this giant pink strawberry frog and it let me ride on him while he hopped around

Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.

coca cola – divino niño

What Avatar the Last AirBender element would you bend, and why?

water because blood bending ?? too powerful yet so desirable

wake headshot.png