Letter from AD/PR Manager

Hey, you! 

Welcome to issue 5! Whether this is your first issue or 50th, I hope this can serve as a quick brain break before you head off to class, work, or simply continue on with your day. I’d encourage you to remember to take even a few minutes each day to do something for you, and to take your mind off of class, work, or other things consuming your headspace. I know I’ve been guilty of keeping my foot on the pedal as I approach finals. 

As I’m writing this, I’m de-thawing from our annual “Wake Up With The Wake” event that was held outside of WAM in brisk sub-20 degree temps (which, by the way, was a blast despite the cold!). We distributed countless magazines, bagels, cups of coffee, and enjoyed music from Radio K. In case you missed it, fear not—we have more events in the works! 

Oh, and happy December (??!). As we all know, the changing of seasons can be a tumultuous time, but I promise we can get through it. Don’t be afraid to hit “pause” every so once in a while to check in with yourself and others—you deserve it. 

As the Advertising and Public Relations Manager of The Wake, I feel as though it is my civic duty to encourage you to stay connected with us both online and off for articles, playlists, events, and other ways to ignore your existential angst, as we like to say. 

Stay warm out there,


Wake Mag