Na'Jai Wilson


online editor

Is there a hobby or skill that you've always wanted to do but never tried? 


What fictional character do you identify with and why? 

Mai from Avatar, because I want a Zuko to come into my life (I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger.)

Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?

a dog at home with my family. His name is Remy!

What's your go-to comfort food?

Popcorn (types as she's currently eating it)

What is your favorite scene from a movie like?

My favorite scene is in Some Kind of Wonderful. It's in the middle of the movie in the scene where Watts and Keith kiss for the first time.

Where do you feel most at home? 

Anywhere my mom is :)

Do you usually remember your dreams? If so, what was your last dream like, if not what do you want to dream of? 

Yes, I do. My last dream i dreamt i was dating a guy who lived in the dorms with me last year. My roommate constantly bullies me about it :)

Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.

Dreams by Fleetwood Mac or Peach by Kevin Abstract

What Avatar the Last AirBender element would you bend, and why?

Earth or Water. Because both interact with plants (earth, metals, the swamp episode).
