I Miss My Childhood Bedroom

From What I Remember, Everything Was Simple


Pink and Purple Walls

My innocence returns and again, everything is simple; I get the purple wall and my sister gets the pink. The castle walls are painted just for us, a mirror of ourselves in pretty shades. How lovely to be so young and happy and admired; a detail stuck like glue yet so subtle in design. Growing still and years later, my current walls sulk in a grayish-blue tone. Something has evaporated and left us and we have moved on. I just wouldn’t have the heart to tell her it wouldn’t stay the same forever.

Tinkerbell Covers

Unnumbered the things I would do to once again see those bedsheets. A moment of ignorance between, but now I would return to them whole-heartedly, leaving my black sheets far behind. When did I change my mind? My sister’s Bratz bedsheets beside me, I laid in peace, yet, I haven’t shared a room with her in years. She hasn’t really changed and I don’t think I have either, but something is different. What was once a sound home is now a wistful feeling; how incredible that a decision of foolish little girls has left me something almost irreparable.

Shoe Box

A simple shoe box can and will become anything if you wish for it; in my time, she was a treasure chest of tiny beads and colorful strings, scraps of fabric for dolls clothes and bottles of cheap glitter. I haven’t braided a friendship bracelet in years. I probably never will again. Maybe the remake of such a box would recover some peace, maybe such a box is impossible to recreate in its flowering entirety. Does she sit abandoned? Most likely not, I use my imagination to believe someone found her and finished the half-braided bracelets I left behind. The walls and sheets I imagine too; recycled into someone’s new memories, a piece of my heart in theirs.

Wake Mag