Within My Notes App

Portable Post-It Notes

By Bianca Llerena

The notes app in my phone is my equivalent of scribbling on the corner of a notebook, ripping it out, and taping it to my door frame. Whether I store all of my passwords on an unlocked note in my phone is no one’s business, but I’m happy to share a glimpse of what else litters my brain in chicken scratch.


I can’t sing or play an instrument and have no real intention of learning to, yet…, you never know when the moment will strike. Some names include: “Appleman,” “Snowing in August,” and “Bloom.”


Instead of writing all over my arms with pen, I use this space to jot down random things I don’t want to forget:

“between a rock and a hard place pg 166” — a page number from a book I read over the summer. While I remember loving this book, I can’t remember which line of that page was important enough to note.

“william carlos williams - this is just to say” — a poem from one of my favorite poets that struck me. I remember it exists every time I see it.

“waterfalls of havasupai canyon” — not sure what brought me to this spot, I’ve never been, but I fear deleting it would mess something up in my future timeline. I can’t risk it.


A writer’s headache. This might be too niche, yet it’s embarrassingly honest. Over 50 words to use instead of “said” organized by tone. Some words, for example: “lamented,” “spouted,” “hypothesized,” and “retorted.”


Not totally sure what prompted this one, but I have a pretty long list for bookmark designs including “puppies and umbrellas,” “cool neon fish,” “worms with glasses,” and “ducks in rain boots.” This might become a future hobby in graphic design, so I just keep writing them down.

Wake Mag